The good, the bad, and the rain

12:36 PM

The Good

1: Green, everything's green!

2: People are so friendly. I've figured it out - the thicker the accent, the more friendly the person. And the more they talk in circles, to anyone who'll listen. But I love it.

3: Southerners are especially comfortable in their love for God and praise for Jesus. I'm learning a lot from this.

4: It's fun living in a house with old storm windows and a tin roof.

5: Living 13.5 minutes from a Target (not a Supertarget, but still)

6: Fresh, local produce all summer, not just in September.

7: Lightning bugs!

The Bad

1: Bugs, spiders, mosquitos, flies, fruit flies, centipedes, beetles, ticks, crickets, dragonflies, horse flies, flying rodents, etc.

2: Utah's grid system, I took it for granted. Because let's just make every road a circle and call them different names at different starting points. Let's even name two roads that intersect the same name, because wouldn't that be fun, and let's not let Siri in on any of this information, she doesn't need to know and PROCEED TO THE ROUTE...PROCEED TO THE ROUTE!

cleansing breath

it takes me 15 minutes to get anywhere here, except for the gym, which is right down the street(ish), so I've been spending lots of time there.

3: Living 2,210 miles away from my parents instead of 1.25 miles. Don't cut that umbilical cord!

4: Living with neck sweat twenty four hours a day, seven days a week.

5: I miss Mexican food.

6: Let's not talk about our A/C bill.

Rainstorms here are thick and sudden and often. They're my reward for enduring the spongy heat with three miniature people who need to get in and out of the car multiple times a day. Also, have I watered my three tomato plants yet? Even once? No, and they're still alive, so we're learning a whole new level of lazy (except making up for it at the gym).

Also, monograms. Have you ever read the Pottery Barn catalogue where it gives an option for a $50 extra charge for monogramming? Yes? Ever wondered who pays that monogramming fee? Every North Carolinan, that's who.

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  1. Ha! All of that rings true for Tallahassee as well.

  2. You are quickly learning how we feel about moving... There are pros and cons with every place, so seek out the pros and make the most of it and explore everywhere while you can.

  3. I LOVE reading your posts Jamie!!! I love your attitude through the neck sweat and all. :) It's nice to get some Jamie sense of humor in my day still. Love ya!

  4. I LOVE reading your posts Jamie!!! I love your attitude through the neck sweat and all. :) It's nice to get some Jamie sense of humor in my day still. Love ya!
