
9:17 PM

Shane and I were working on the hardwood floors last night, as we do after the kids go to bed, and we opened the closet at the back of the stairs to pull up the (original!) carpet.


Could you believer our (indoor, old) a/c had been leaking for months, maybe years, and the subfloor was so moldy and damp it crumbled when we (Shane*) tried to pull it up.

Frustrating! Why didn't the inspector catch this?

Has anyone else had this happen? Shane wants to silently, happily fix it. Which is fine. We cleaned it out, had fans on it all night and bought new subfloor and are making plans to remedy the a/c leak.

I want someone else to fix it. And I want our insurance to pay. 

*Shane hasn't lifted weights a day in his life, and look at those triceps. DIYing is good for more than the wallet.

In other news, 
this is my favorite song today
- I just picked up my wallpaper for the kitchen and I love it even more in person than I did online
- and can you imagine making this much money? You're welcome, Prime, for most of every paycheck. I'll gladly hand it over.

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  1. No wonder it smells. Good to find it and get it out?
