Zucchini, Murphy's and other useless advice

7:04 PM

Summer zucchini, isn't it so versatile?

Also, maybe stores sell zucchini year round, I just never think to look because I only think of zucchini in the summer. Kind of like how eating pumpkin feels wrong any time other than fall.

Here's my favorite way to make zucchini:

Chop up a zucchini. I like to do it at an angle so I have bigger slices, but it'd be rude to go as far as trying to tell the internet how to slice zucchini. There is no art to it.

Set out a shallow pan on medium heat and add a tablespoon or so of coconut oil.

In one layer, place zucchini slices in the semi-hot oil. As soon as their down, salt the sunny side vigorously. Or sluggishly. I guess that doesn't matter either. (I guess I meant generously?)

Then grab some flour with your bare hand. Don't even bother getting a measuring spoon dirty, just grab a bit and dump it on top of the salted zucchini. Or sprinkle. The choice is yours.

After a few minutes, flip the zucchini with a fork. Salt the new side. You don't need to add more flour to this side unless you want to flip again. And you have the right to.

Wait until they're a nice golden brown and then remove from pan and eat.

There ya go. One pan is dirty, and you can probably put your cutting board back the way you found it without anyone noticing, not that I do that*.

Secondly, you came to this blog because you're bored with something. So here's something even more boring, but really exciting if you paint a lot.

The other day my head hung low thinking about all of my favorite Purdy brushes. They were rock hard and almost unusable. I tried lacquer thinner and other gross chemicals, but they still wouldn't budge. 

I was three seconds away from pushing the BIN** Amazon button for the expensive brush cleaner and thought I'd check Pinterest once for ideas before taking the plunge.

Someone suggested Murphy's Oil Soap and I remembered I moved a bottle of the stuff across the country last year, so I pulled it out and tried it. 

It was a beautiful thing.

Within a few hours I could tell a difference. I left my brushes in overnight and they came out looking almost new using no harsh chemicals or toxins. 

*Yes I do

**Buy It Now, my favorite button. Did you know you can look up how much money you've spent on Amazon since opening an account? It's really a fun*** activity to do with your spouse.

***No it's not

p.s. Isn't Lela the cutest? Newborns rock my world.

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  1. I know this is late, but Jamie, I so enjoy your blog! Keep up the great, real writing!
