Balm of Gilead

1:05 PM

Some things that make me smile these days:

- An elderly woman named Bedie in my bible study group who speaks her mind (mahhhnd) with the longest southern drawl you ever did hear and wears crisply ironed clothes and gorgeous patent leather shoes

- Lela's neck rolls. Or just everything about this child.

- The very Southern saying "having a time," as in someone is struggling with something and prayers are welcome. Application: "She really wanted to be here but they're family's been havin a time."

- How Emmie says "Myselth" instead of "Myself". I'm never correcting that one.

- Rain storms and puddles

- Hearing squeals and fits of laughter from my bedroom window, which sits just above the trampoline, every afternoon.

- Living close enough to fun cousins to spend weekends together.

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  1. I do so love the joyous squeals of laugher. It can soothe the soul.
