I'm a blogger procrastinateur

12:34 PM

And a slacker, but there's a very good reason.

I'm growing another person.

Which means, for me, long days of laying in bed writhing in nausea waiting while the world continues to progress and age and actually accomplish things. I'm not necessarily complaining because women have it so much worse than I do, and some women aren't ever blessed with pregnancy.

It's just hard.

It's hard being away from my mom. Like - I know I can live without her close by now, but why would I ever want to, are my sentiments.

I'm finally coming out of my fox hole, though, and last week I even cleaned my bathrooms for the first time in two months. Things are on the up and up.

What follows is a whole host of random home and hearth pictures (I don't even know what hearth REALLY means, you know?) I downloaded from my camera a few days ago.

our pretty little lane, all decked out in fall
what do we do with all these leaves? 
not rake them, is our plan

The rustic, dirty barn
what should we do with it?
not clean it, is our plan

cutest halloweeners

see shane's wrapped-up finger in the background?
he was trying to fix a dishwasher and sliced it to the bone on the stainless steel
he only went to a doctor because I made him

Shane and his brother (twins?) fixing up an old outhouse on our property (??) into our new chickenhouse
only the luckiest chickens get a urinal in their coop
we best be getting a rooster

our stairs before and after
what a difference some paint, stain and an overstock.com rug can make
we burned that old 70s carpet in our bonfire pit in the backyard

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  1. I'm so sorry that you have been sick and that you are far from your mama! I've been thinking of you lately! Your stairs are EXACTLY what I'm planning to do, so I'll have to get the deets on that rug from you sometime. I just have to finish the tables and desk in the garage, eradicate all the mice, paint the cream ceilings and rusty orange walls and then I can rip the nasty carpet off my stairs. *sigh*
    I wish I could go bring your food and steal your kids for the afternoon while you sleep. Know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. This too shall pass and then you'll have a chubby baby feet to kiss. Loves lady!

  2. Praying for you Jamie! It's the worst, dirtiest trick in the world to be a mother who is sick 24/7. On a happier note, your posts make me laugh

  3. Congratulations. So sorry you have been sick so much with it all. I hope that you find some relief as your pregnancy progresses. I never really had relief. For me I found that there were many foods I just couldn't eat. If I did, inevitably, I lost it. So I just stopped eating those foods. That really limited what I ate. At least I didn't throw up so much. It was like that through my whole pregnancies. Oh well that is just what it is I guess. Love ya tons and can't wait to have another beautiful great-niece or nephew.

  4. We miss you!!!!! I'm sorry you are sick, but I love the fun pictures you have taken!
