Popcorn and We Can Do It

9:14 PM

All online tutorials told me to NOT diy popcorn ceilings.

But, as Shane always says, I have more work in me than money.

And it wasn't that bad (if wet, white, chalky dust covering your hair, last year's yoga pants, baseboards and floor isn't bad).

Shane did the scraping, I followed him with the painting. We tried to finish the whole house before our truck of stuff arrived and we were only a few rooms short. Which also means we were sleeping on the floor, most likely covered in wet, chalky invisible dust for 3 days. The time of our lives.

Anyway, to remove popcorn ceilings:
1. buy a round-up sprayer because they're cheapest
2. put water in it (no chemicals)
3. spray your ceilings liberally
4. wait 30 seconds
5. line your scraper with a trash bag
6. scrape
7. paint with flat, white paint (the only paint one should use for a ceiling, I'm convinced)
8. paint again, use Kilz primer for any old water spots or stains the paint isn't covering
9. get a massage

We didn't even cover our floor because we know we're replacing it and the plastic trash bag caught most of the junk.

If you're attempting this, please buy this tool.

Before. In every square inch of our house.

1970s, I'm not letting you get a pass for this bad decision. 

My cute husband in our cute kitchen (minus the wallpaper and linoleum)

Taken just five minutes after getting 3 children to sleep way after 10pm. Jet lag.

This box of wet ceiling texture weighed, I don't know, enough that I couldn't carry it.

Using a putty knife to scrape the edges and corners.

After(ish). Look, mom, no annoying cottage cheese shadows!

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  1. And I'm complaining about having to just paint my cream ceilings white. Sheesh, I stink. I love Shane's saying, about having more work in him then money! Totally fits me too. Haha!

  2. We miss you guys! Your can-do-ness is contagious!
